Friday, July 22, 2011

Chinese Cooking Methods - Providing Delicious Variety To Your Everyday Meals

Nowadays, food lovers are spoilt for choice when it comes to cooking skills and techniques, as well as cooking methods and style. These new advances provide an outlet for even more types of cuisine to be explored and shared with food lovers around the world.

With the latest methods available, cooks and chefs can discover the most perfect blend of aromas, essences, colors and food qualities especially with Chinese cooking. Even though most of the basic ingredients in Chinese cooking do not differ much, it is the style and preparation technique of foods that differ and thus make cooking all the more enjoyable.

The most common methods and styles of preparing food in the Chinese style are boiling, braising, stewing, frying, sauteing, smoking, simmering, and steaming.

Frying is a key method in Chinese cooking and plays a major role in many recipes. That is why there are even more types of frying in Chinese cooking. The quick-fry, deep fry and slippery-fry are the three common types of frying utilized in Chinese cooking.

With many methods of frying, it all boils down to the type of food that you are dealing with, as different food calls for a different method to acquire the desired results. For example, frying is the best choice if you want flavorful and juicy meat, and if you prefer your vegetables crispy. In Chinese cooking, speed also comes into play, as one of the most common method is the stir-fry where as the name suggests, all the ingredients are swiftly stirred and then fried.

Another popular method in Chinese cooking is sauteing or also known as shallow cooking. The good thing about sauteing is that it uses less oil than frying or deep frying. It also requires a lower temperature than stir-frying. How is food sauteed? Food is sauteed by slowly browning food in a little oil. It could be done on one side or on both sides. Sauteing results in softer food on the inside and crispier on the outside. Generally, sauteing would be followed by sauce making.

Other Chinese cooking methods include boiling, braising, simmering and stewing.

Parboiling is also an option. In parboiling, food ingredients are chopped, washed and put into a pot where they can float. They are then cooked over a high heat. However, it is good to remember that parboiling slowly and for long periods of time can destroy the nutritional value of the food, not to mention the flavor. So, instead of prolonged parboiling, opt for cooking on a slow simmering heat as this can help in maintaining the nutritional value of your food.

In Chinese cooking, smoking and cold mixing is also popular. These two methods involved precooked food ingredients instead of raw food. Cold mixing uses parboiled or scalded ingredients which are then mixed into salads and chilled before being served. Roasting on the other hand lets the raw ingredients marinate before being barbecued over direct heat.

And finally, another Chinese cooking method is poaching, where ingredients are cooked in liquid a little below the boiling point. This style of Chinese cooking is highly recommended especially when cooking delicate fish where you want the fish to be cooked just till the meat is tender.

These methods are just some of the more common styles of Chinese cooking. Incorporate them into your routine and you might find that they make your food more appetizing and delicious.

Learn how to cook mouth watering dishes from all over the world with Juzaily Ramli and his wife at Free Cooking Tips [] website. Forget Chinese food take outs, discover Chinese cooking recipes [] for you to cook yourself even if you're not Chinese.

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Fun Cooking Games for Girls

If you wish to maintain the enthusiasm flowing for your girls, allow them to play games as an alternative. Let them dress up in various outfits. Or you might bring them to the make believe world and allow them to bake a cake or cook the most delicious food items they could ever imagine. There are numerous exciting things you can do for your children.

Playing cooking food games is a superb method to keep your young children involved in beneficial work together with coaching them about food basics by way of a real experience. These types of games help develop your kid's curiosity about cooking. Many sites can be found on the web that offer several free online cooking games for children.

These video games will help the children to learn how they can make a number of foods like pizzas, sandwiches, salads, burgers, omelets, tea, coffee, ice creams as well as casserole recipes and barbeque recipes. Playing cooking games isn't only a favorite pastime for the children, but in addition a chance to understand the preparation of various types of foods along with the use and incredible importance of the ingredients.

Kids also gain information about the vitamins and minerals of each and every type of foods. You can spend time playing online cooking video games along with your kids. It's a perfect method to make your kids to discover how they can cook, and also spend some quality time.

The very best searches for just "cooking games" returns Cooking Mama, Cooking Dash, even Cooking Mama 2 and Cooking Mama 3. What exactly are these titles you may well ask? Game titles obviously.

Nintendo appears to have cornered the marketplace on games about cooking and also pulls in the adult crown with "Personal Trainer: Cooking".

Cooking games on the internet replicate decorating baked goods, cutting and peeling food, assembling meals and blending drinks. Games like Cooking Show teach actual cooking skills. Others like Easy Bake are as easy as clicking the mouse. Virtual games are played on computers, handheld gaming devices, gaming consoles and also some phones.

Another cooking game allows them to prepare simple meals. It is possible to split girls into groups of 3 to 4. Each team must make a food item for a meal. Give each team some simple recipes and offer all of them with the ingredients these recipes require.

Or you might provide your children with an instruction set to assist them with cooking. To assist them to learn more, provide them health and hygiene tips, and you must train them to keep the kitchen spic and span even after cooking. In this way, you're teaching your girls some self-discipline.

It is noticed that children who're fussy about eating develop liking for many kinds of foods once they start playing cooking games and acquire information regarding the nutritional significance of various fruits, vegetables and other types of foods. Thus, cooking games for the children is a superb source of entertainment; this helps them to gain information about healthy eating and valuable skills in cooking and management.

There are no better way for kids to learn to prepare food than playing cooking games and Barbie cooking games online.

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Learning New Cooking Techniques Online

The best way to learn new cooking techniques online is to use video portals like YouTube or MetaCafe which provide several episodes of recorded cooking shows. These videos can be downloaded for later viewing or can be bookmarked and viewed online as you desire. This facility allows you to schedule your cooking time, as you might see it fit, without being bound by proper classes and timely schedules.

Another very good idea to learn online recipes would be to use cookbooks shared by many users free of cost. These cookbooks often contain pictures and detailed procedure for cooking, and thus are very useful for people who have just begun learning how to cook. Most of these books are in PDF format which means that they are unedited and contain the original recipes as the author intended to publish them.

There are also many online cooking courses available on the internet which can be purchased at a very reasonable cost. These online cooking courses would be perfect for beginners as they start from the very basics and then move on advanced cooking recipes. These online cooking courses can also provide reading material as well as visual aid to help beginners learn the art of cooking.

You can choose your convenient time to take part in the online cooking classes. Whether you are a man or a woman, these courses are simply perfect for you to learn how to cook delicious recipes. They say that the route to a man's heart is through his stomach, therefore, these online cooking classes would definitely help women cook delicious meals for their men.

Most of the online videos and materials available about cooking are totally free of cost. There are even a few free cooking channels which can be viewed online without paying any fee. Thus, these channels are very useful for people who want to learn how to cook, but do not have the time or money to afford cooking classes.

If you have a laptop or netbook then you can take it along with you to the kitchen and practice cooking while watching cooking shows on your portable computer. The best way to find online cooking courses, videos or books is to search for them on the internet using popular search engines such as Google or Yahoo.

With these online tools, learning how to cook is as easy as it can be, and the best part is that you would not have to maintain a schedule. So, you can learn to cook whenever you want to and thus the need for separating special time for cooking is eliminated. Cooking is a great hobby and anyone who has interest in cooking would never get tired of learning new cooking techniques and experimenting on them.

Cooking it one of the biggest hobby of author, and probably the best recipe is Moules a la mariniere soup. You can find plenty of other very interesting and simple step-by-step recipes adopted for home cooking in author website

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Do Want To Find A Super Cooking Vacation?

A Cooking Vacation is among the top choice of destination for kitchen enthusiasts. No matter if your plan is to have a short break from your neighborhood, or to travel for few days, culinary tours allow you to explore, experience, and learn the unique cuisine of your chosen destination.

Among the outstanding destinations for cooking holidays are Spain, Greece, Italy, Paris, and Portugal. There are many benefits you can gain from cookery holidays.

Many people who love cooking can learn a lot from cooking classes held particularly for vacationers. Each cooking class is handled by seasoned local chefs in order that you understand and differentiate the taste of native cuisine.

You can also be assured of thorough guidance from the chefs because the cooking vacation is set up for limited seats. During the cooking class, you are given activities to test your lessons from the local chefs.

This can be a great way to win a friend. As you mingle with your chef instructors and classmates, you can build rapport with them, making your culinary tours memorable as you exchange ideas relevant to your cooking lessons, travels and many more.

Moreover, it allows you to showcase your skill in cookery. You can use your existing skills in cooking the best-tasting dish. If you are a newbie, this can be an excellent way to learn from the expert. Nobody is born great, even in cooking. It can be learned, and nothing beats the idea of learning from the great local chefs.

To make your cooking vacation something worth reminiscing, you need to consider few things. After you have determined the destination for your culinary tours, you need to know the best cooking schools of your destination. You can do a search on the web to find out the curriculum.

Know the type of cuisines being taught in every school so you will have an idea on what to expect from your cooking classes. Find out the schedule of the classes so you can organize your vacation itinerary.

At most, the cooking schools are accredited throughout the world and the chefs are equipped with necessary qualifications, experience, resources and skills to make you the best chef of your own kitchen or restaurant.

Although surfing their websites can be a good source of information, it will even be rewarding if you contact them to pose your queries. This is a good way to know about their customer service.

Ask them everything you need to know about their culinary, especially the enrollment process, requirements and the opening of cooking classes. Try to request special discounts.

Equally important in planning your cooking vacation is to qualify your cooking skills. You need a class and a chef that meets your level. If you are new in cooking, you need to select the classes for the amateur. To this class belongs hobbyists and novice.

However, if you are a professional, you need to have distinct cooking classes designed for professionals. There are also cooking schools that work closely with travel agency to make your cooking vacation worthwhile.

There are cooking vacation school group tours that provide package arrangements for their clients. You can book through a firm specializing in cooking holiday arrangement for a hassle-free process. In addition, it guarantees the clients that the cookery schools are already pre-screened.

Get an exciting cooking vacation class schedule at We offer a full cooking program for you. We have cooking slot for different vacation destinations. Come to Culinary quests and arrange your cooking vacation class. We have new exciting recipes at our site for you to try.

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Wow Horde Guide - Wow Horde Cooking Guide

One of the most overlooked, yet surprisingly useful skills in WoW is the Cooking skill.

Cooking in WoW is not an absolute must by any means, but, especially if you've spent some time on related secondary professions like Fishing, you can actually use Cooking to bring in a reasonable amount of gold with relatively little effort. It's also a pretty fun diversion when you're looking to get away from your usual activities for a little while. Initially, Cooking was largely ignored by WoW players, mainly because there wasn't much to it. However, one of the lesser-known aspects of the Burning Crusade expansion was the attention paid to some of the secondary professions, Cooking among them, and there are now so many ways to use Cooking that it's easy and worthwhile for anyone to give it a try.

WoW Cooking - Starting Out

The first thing you'll need if you'd like to try Cooking is fire. In order to start a fire, you'll have to have the Simple Wood, Flint, and Tinder items. These are very common items, as you're probably aware. With these items on hand, go to your Spellbook. There you'll find the Basic Campfire spell, which can be cast by anyone.

The cookbook is also located in your Spellbook. Here you'll see which recipes you have available. One thing to keep in mind is that the Basic Campfire only lasts a few minutes. So, make sure that you're ready to start cooking immediately after you set up your fire. To cook, select the ingredients listed in your recipe of choice.

Every recipe requires specific ingredients. We'll use Crocolisk Steak as an example. The ingredients for Crocolisk Steak are one each of Crocolisk Meat and Mild Spices. Mild Spices are sold by many different vendors, while Crocolisk Meat is dropped by some of the various Crocolisk mobs.

By successfully completing recipes, you'll improve your Cooking skill. You can purchase any necessary items from a Cooking trainer - you can expect to have to make a moderate investment in order to really get started. As you go forward and complete quests, though, you'll find yourself coming across Cooking-related items on a regular basis.

Rising Through the Ranks

Finding the items necessary for advanced recipes can be a bit tricky at first. Here's one way you can improve your Cooking skill quickly. Start off in Ironforge. You can easily get Flour and Mild Spices here, which are the ingredients for Spiced Bread. Make 60 Spiced Breads to improve your Cooking skill to 40. Next, get yourself 30 Mild Spices, and plenty of wood. Go to Auberdine, where you can find some Moonkin. Kill enough of these to get at least 20 eggs, preferably more. You can use these ingredients in recipes which will help you quickly get your Cooking skill up to 60.

From Auberdine, head south to Ashenvale, where you'll find Crawler mobs. These will give you Clam Meat, which you can take back to Ironforge. Once you're back, cook whatever eggs you have left and sell the finished items. After that, you can go to a cooking trainer and train your skills in order to use the Clam Meat in recipes. Your Cooking should now be around 130. Buy the Expert Cookbook, which will increase your Cooking skill cap to 225.

Making Money With Cooking

Of course, there's more to the Cooking skill than just improving the skill itself. Food items can be useful in a number of ways, especially because of buffs. Buffs are what give food items their monetary value on the open market, and once you've got your Cooking skill high enough to make food with good buffs, you can start earning money by selling them.

A good Fishing skill will really help you get the most out of Cooking, but it is possible to earn decent money through Cooking even without Fishing. One popular food item is Mok'Nathal Shortribs. These will fetch about 1 gold per set. With a good source for ingredients, you can make a lot of money. Try going to the Blade's Edge Mountains, where you can find Raptors. These mobs occasionally drop the Raptor Ribs that are the only ingredient for Mok'Nathal Shortribs. Just keep farming the Ribs here. You can get upwards of 30 Ribs, and therefore 30 gold pieces, per hour this way.

Alternatively, you might want to try selling Warp Burgers, which also go for about 1 gold. The Warp Hunters in Terrokar Forest are your source. These relatively easy mobs will drop Warped Flesh, the ingredient for Warp Burgers. This racket can net you upwards of 50 gold per hour.

You can benefit further from Cooking by being aware of the in-game seasons. During the Christmas season, for example, the market for Egg Nog heats up, due to its importance to certain quests. Egg Nog can sell for at least 1 gold, and sometimes more, around Christmas. The ingredients for Egg Nog are one each of a Small Egg, Ice Cold Milk, Holiday Spirits, and Holiday Spices. These ingredients can all be purchased individually from vendors.

Making Faster Money With Cooking

Of course, you can also skip the grinding and just purchase ingredients like Warped Flesh and Raptor Ribs from vendors. This will cut into your profit margin, but it won't require as much time, so in the end it might be a better method for players who are pressed for time.

The Daily Quests for Cooking

Daily Cooking quests are one of the easiest ways to get huge quantities of things like fish and meat, which you can then cook and sell for major profits. Additionally, these quests will also occasionally reward you with powerful new recipes.

Thanks for reading, if you would like more Horde advice you can check out Horde Cooking Guide. You can also check out the other Best Horde Guides we have to offer. Visit our website today!

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My Top 10 Tips for Slow Cooking in the Fast Lane

I call this slow cooking in the fast lane, because I use my slow cooker to cope with the fast pace of my life. I frequently find myself running from work to appointment, picking up kids, wondering when I am going to have time to cook. Well here is the answer.

My crockpot cooks for me, while I run. When dinner time comes, or when I finally have time to collapse, there is a hot, tasty meal waiting for me.

These 10 tips are the essentials for successful crock pot cooking.

1. Cooking Times and Temperatures: Cooking time on high is about 1/2 the time on low. Some recipes require a specific cooking temperature and time to be successful, so follow instructions closely until you have a feel for the recipe. For recipes that give both times, I will often start the recipe on High to get it started, then turn to low after about an hour. Start large chunks of meat such as a roast or whole chicken on high for about an hour when-ever possible. This gets the food up to a safe cooking temperature quickly. An extra large roast should be cut into half, to help get the temperature up quickly.

2. You can line the crockpot with an oven cooking bag before placing the food in. This makes clean up a snap. The cooking times are not affected, but the mess stays in the bag rather than on the pot. I usually find these bags on clearance after Thanksgiving or Christmas and stock up then.

3. Whenever possible, don't lift the lid. Slow cooker temperatures are low and a lot of heat can be lost, possibly lowering the cooking temperature below the safe point. Use the lid provided with the cooker. A layer of aluminum foil will not suffice.

4. Fill the slow cooker between 1/2 to 2/3 full of food. Too full may not allow the food to heat up quickly enough. Likewise a cooker that is not full enough will not heat properly either. Use the correct size crockpot for the recipe.

5. Follow the recipe, adding ingredients in the order listed. Foods that take longer to cook usually go on the bottom. Also, for some recipes, vegetables or other foods on the bottom may act as a rack, keeping top foods out of the juices.

6. Food does not need to be swimming in liquid to be successful in the crockpot. Many people find crockpot roasts lacking in flavor because they have covered them in water to cook. For most roasts, 1 cup or less liquid is all that is needed. The meat will give up some of its own juices as it cooks.

7. Tenderness of the meat is directly related to the cooking time. A longer cooking time at low will yield a more tender roast, as long as it is cooked beyond done to the falling apart stage. The difference between a tough piece of meat and a tender one is about 1 hour. When you check your meat for doneness, if it isn't tender, let it cook for another hour and check again.

8. Do not refrigerate food in the crockery, the heat retained in the crock will delay cooling and keep food at an unsafe temperature for too long. Transfer the food to storage containers and refrigerate as soon as possible after the meal.

9. Some recipes require browning or some amount of cooking before being put into the slow cooker. Completely read through the recipe so that you know what is required while planning the meal. Look for recipes that require little to no pre-cooking for those busy mornings. Many recipes that require browning can be successful without browning, but may loose a little flavor from the caramelization of the meat.

10. You can sometimes assemble the recipe the night before, putting the food and liner into the refrigerator. Next morning, place into the cooker and plug-n-go. In this situation, you should never use recipes that require pre-cooking. Keep all ingredients cold until you are ready to plug in the pot. This works well for roasts, etc. I will often place the roast and its flavorings into the pot the night before. In the morning, I plug it in and add the liquid (although I could probably get away with adding the liquid the night before as well). This method is particularly handy when I am relying on a husband or son to start the cooking.

Do you need more easy crock pot recipe ideas? Sign up for our newsletter at Easy Crock Pot Recipes and get quick and healthy crock pot recipes delivered to your email regularly.

Diane has just finished a free cookbook of her favorite southern recipes. Download Easy Southern Favorites today. These recipes are guaranteed to have them begging for more. Best of all, its free!

Diane Watkins is a traditional southern style cook. She enjoys cooking, teaching, and writing about good food and family. For more information on southern cooking and recipes visit her website at Easy Southern Cooking

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5 Steps To Teaching Kids To Cook

Most all kids love to help and cook in the kitchen. Teaching them how to cook can be a skill that they will have for a lifetime. Cooking with your kids doesn't have to be overwhelming it can be easy when you look at it in five simple steps.

Plan meal. Sit down and plan what meal you will be working on our what recipe you will be making. Read through it making sure you have all ingredients available and the recipe is not too complicated. Plan out the steps you will be using to create the recipe or meal.

Shopping. Shop for the ingredients needed. This is a great way for kids to learn about the whole process of cooking.

Prep work. Read your recipe through again if needed. Wash your hands, a very important step in teaching your kids to cook. Prep work involves anything that needs done before the actual cooking such as chopping, peeling, and preparing ingredients that the recipe calls for.

Preparing and cooking. Now we get down to the actual cooking and preparing of the meal. This is the step where you put all your ingredients together and create, cook or bake.

Clean up. Remember to clean as you go especially utensils and dishes used with raw meats and eggs. This step can be done while something is cooking in the oven and you are waiting. Clean up involves cleaning dishes, counters and floors if needed. Remember to put dirty towels and aprons in the laundry also.

Remember the importance of praising your kids work. Even if their accomplishment may look less than perfect little by little and step by step they will become master chefs if given the opportunity and it is something they enjoy.

Now you can sit back and enjoy their cooking.

Visit for kids cooking lesson plans. For recipes, tips and ideas in teaching your kids to cook sign up for our Kids Cooking Activities Newsletter,

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ideas For Keeping Your Outdoor Cooking Area Safe And Fun!

A lot of the planning, when it comes to cooking outdoors, has to do with your cooking equipment. When deciding what outdoor cooking method to use whether a grill or Dutch oven, it's very important that you find the method that works best for you and will make your outdoor cooking experience as great as possible.

The meals you can cook outdoors vary from different Dutch-oven delicacies to common tinfoil suppers. Cooking outdoors definitely requires some preparation and time. However, it'll be totally worth it! Putting together a list of ideas for outdoor cooking areas is a good plan. Planning ahead is the number one step. Where do you want your next outdoor cooking to take place in your backyard at a friend's house, camping or picnic area? Selecting the cooking area is important because you need to make sure it is a safe place to cook outdoors. You'll also need to know what equipment you'll need to bring with you. For example, are you going to a campground where the grill is provided? What about a Park?

Next you need to figure out what you will need to prepare for this cooking outdoors experience. Also, put together a simple, but satisfying menu that will please you and your guests. Keeping these great ideas for outdoor cooking areas in mind, and few tips and tricks given here below will help you make your next day outside a beautiful and fulfilling experience you'll want to do again and again.

First of all, what equipment and ingredients are needed to prepare the menu selected. Would it be a gas run camping stove, open fire, charcoal blocks or briquettes or some other means of cooking? Ideas for outdoor cooking areas take some thought and time but when selected safety in that area needs be researched. Are there any restrictions on cooking in designated areas such as, the camping grounds, picnic areas or beaches? Safety should come first when in a designated area and starting a fire.

A great tip for outdoor cooking areas is to bring an old tarpaulin or strong fire-resistant cover strung between two bamboos, poles, or straight sticks which can provide some safety from the fuel products for your cooking stove.

Another tip for outdoor cooking areas is to use a camp stove, with packing some additional fuel than your stove can carry normally, unless you are going on a very short trip. Moreover be sure to pack these highly combustible fuels in a very good quality metal container with a distinct marking on them to keep them separate from drinking water and other liquids. Most important, ensure that the fuel containers are straight and rightly placed so that there is no chance of any leakage of fuel or fumes. Because this can be very dangerous.

Finally, one last thought on ideas for outdoor cooking areas is to ensure that you leave the camp area in better condition than you actually found it. Before taking up your camp back, thoroughly drench your fire, mix it well with a scoop, spade or stick, and then cover it again. Safety is important when dealing with designated cooking areas, to ensure safety making a checklist is recommended.

If you follow these steps we guarantee you'll have a great outdoor cooking experience.

Do you love to cook? So do we! at [] we have a passion for food and cooking! Visit our website to find, great cooking tips as well as recipes from Italian to French, from grilling to good ol' home cooking! We can't wait to see you there!

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Healthy Cooking For A Healthier You

You love to cook, and you love to eat. But you feel like you're not doing it right. Somehow you know you need to change the way you cook. You eat and you gain weight. Yet there are others out there who eat such lavish dishes yet never seem to put on the pounds. You need to learn the secrets of healthy cooking. Don't fret, you can learn these easy healthy cooking techniques and cook you way to a better diet, better health and a better life.

It is relatively easy to find healthy cooking techniques which you can apply to your daily life. Just look it up on the internet, and you will find hundreds. Look at books and videos, and you will find even more techniques for cooking healthy. Just remember that cooking healthy is simple and will not alter your life. One of the most immediate technique that you can use is as easy as replacing your salad dressing. Instead of the usual high-calorie fattening salad dressings, opt for low-fat or non-fat dressings available readily in the market. This basic change will assist in reducing your intake of calories. Many of us would think that eating salads would be a healthier choice compared to say a burger. However keep in mind that if we drench our salad with the fattening dressing, our salad will contain more calories than that burger!

Hey, those low-fat and non-fat dressing tastes funny, you say. Or they are tasteless. Well, this doesn't have to be so. Another option is to have salsa, which packs a punch. Salsa is a fantastic alternative to fattening salad dressings. The appetizing salsa can help dress up any dish you have. Instead of salsa, you can also choose marinade. These no fat low calorie marinades instantly add a burst of flavor. Or you could have some mustard mixed with some soy sauce. This homemade dressing is simply delicious. Be creative and bold and try out new recipes.

If you're a meat eater and love cooking meat, you can have ground beef or turkey as alternatives to a healthier diet. One healthy cooking technique that you can try is to basically cook the meat and once that is done, to use a spatula to hold the meat in place while you drain off the excess oil and fat. Once you drain off all the unnecessary oil and fat, you can now enjoy your meat without the excessive fat content and calories. Your food will taste lots better and you will not be dragged down by the lethargic feeling you'd normally get from eating a greasy, fattening meal.

Healthy cooking techniques when put to use can improve your diet, your health and your life. And if you cook for others, you will be giving them the great gift of these advantages too! You will be in for a great surprise when you realize how easy it is to utilize these healthy cooking techniques in your everyday diet, and make room for a healthier you. If you're a meat eater and love cooking meat, you can have ground beef or turkey as alternatives to a healthier diet. One healthy cooking technique that you can try is to basically cook the meat and once that is done, use a spatula to hold the meat in place while you drain off the excess oil and fat. Once you drain off all the unnecessary oil and fat, you can now enjoy your meat without the excessive fat content and calories. Your food will taste lots better and you will not be dragged down by the lethargic feeling you'd normally get from eating a greasy, fattening meal.

Healthy cooking techniques when put to use can improve your diet, your health and your life. And if you cook for others, you will be giving them the great gift of these advantages too! You will be in for a great surprise when you realize how easy it is to utilize these healthy cooking techniques in your everyday diet, and make room for a healthier you.

If you've never really bothered about what you eat, it's time that you should consider eating healthy. Juzaily Ramli and his wife share tips and guide on healthy cooking recipes [] and vegetarian cooking for everyone []

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Boiling - The Test of a Good Cook

Let's take a look at one of the most basic forms of cooking - immersing food in hot water.

Yes, I know. That includes simmering as well. But I want to look at boiling, some of the different foods involved and the ways in which they are treated.

Boiling is really divided into two separate methods. One is to place the food in cold water and gradually heat it to boiling point, the other is to bring the water to the boil first before adding the food.

The first method might be used for potatoes, for example, and the second for green vegetables.

A variation on both methods is whether or not the food should be covered while cooking. Let's deal with that right now. Green vegetables should never be covered while boiling - they will lose their color and turn an unattractive shade of gray.

Vegetables such as potatoes should be partially covered to preserve vitamins and reduce evaporation.

Remember that water will come to the boil much quicker if the pan is covered to start with, as will any other liquid.

Let's take an example

Eggs. This may seem too simple, but the truth is you can tell more about a cook by the way they handle eggs and potatoes than just about anything else. I have lost count of the number of times a chef has tested my skills by asking me to boil potatoes or make a simple omelet.

So, how do we boil eggs?

One way is to bring a pan of water to the boil, put the eggs in and then time them for two, three or five minutes depending on the result you want. But there is a better method.

Put the eggs in cold, salted water and bring to the boil on fierce heat. The salt will not flavor the eggs. It's there simply to make the water boil at a slightly higher temperature.

Turn off the heat and prepare your toast. The eggs will be ready when you are and can either be turned out on to the toast or served in their shells. Simple, huh?

Very. But there is one thing you have to have to make it work - fresh eggs!

If you're one of the countless millions who don't live right next to a chicken farm, then you're just going to have to check your use-by date. If it's any less than four weeks away, don't buy the eggs!

I mean it. Eggs, like vegetables and fruit, need to be as fresh as you can get them.

Green vegetables

Broadly speaking, we're talking about things like green beans, brussel sprouts, snow peas and so on. Not cabbage, which should never be boiled, and not some of the more delicate greens like spinach and buk choy.

Beans and sprouts are best cooked in uncovered, rapidly boiling salted water until they are just cooked - which means they are still firm and cut cleanly.

Drain them in a colander and then plunge them immediately into icy water. You can leave them there until you need them. This is the 'magic' step chefs use to keep greens truly green.

Yes, I know they'll go cold. That's not a problem. You see, by using this method you can prepare your green vegetables well ahead of time and not have to worry about them until just before you serve the meal.

When everything else is ready, have a pan of boiling water on the stove. Drop the greens in, count to ten and drain them. They're ready to serve as is, or you can glaze them with melted butter, add nutmeg, pepper or toss them in a little balsamic.

Easy? You betcha. And a foolproof way of ensuring that the greens are ready at the same time as the rest of the meal.

About potatoes and rice

Wait a minute! What's this? You cook potatoes and rice the same way?

Yes! Well - almost. And it's foolproof.

First potatoes. Which are the more difficult of the two to cook. You don't think so? Wait and see.

Add your potatoes to cold salted water, bring to the boil and cook until a wooden skewer will pass easily through them without undue pressure. Drain into a colander.

Now put about an inch or so of water in the pan, balance the colander (with potatoes) on top of that, return to a low heat and cover. You can either use the saucepan lid or some silver foil. Personally I use a tea-towel (by far the best) but if you do that you need to make very sure that it goes nowhere near the heat

- especially if you're cooking with gas!

Now the point is this. The potatoes will keep beautifully in the gently steaming atmosphere while you get on with everything else. They will even improve in texture and be ready to serve whenever you need them.

Okay. What about the rice?

Easy. Bring plenty of salted water to the boil. Then add the rice - roughly one cup for every two people - stir once, bring back to the boil and cook for exactly 15 minutes.

You will have to reduce the heat slightly to prevent the mixture boiling over and you also need to partially cover the pot to reduce evaporation.

Now drain and follow exactly the same procedure as you did for the potatoes.

No panic, no undercooked grains, no expensive electric cooker. Just perfectly separated fluffy rice which is ready to be used when you need it.

Can you see what a powerful system this is? It means you can prepare your rice before you even begin to worry about your stir-fry or whatever else it is that you're going to prepare.

Incidentally, don't be afraid to add a little color to your rice by dropping some chopped up red or yellow bell pepper into the water about five minutes before you finish cooking it.

Or serve yellow rice by adding saffron or turmeric to the cooking water. Once you know this technique, the results are limited only by your imagination.


Cooking pasta couldn't be simpler. You boil it in salted water for however long it says on the packet. Then you drain it and it all sticks together in one inedible lump!

Well not any more. Here's the solution (and it's not adding oil during cooking)

Just before cooking ends, remove about half a cup of the cooking liquid and reserve it. Drain the pasta in a colander, return it to the pan in which it was cooked and add back in the reserved cooking liquid.

Stir it, and add about a tablespoon of olive oil. That's it. Done. The oil and liquid will combine to give your pasta a smooth, creamy finish.

No more stuck together lumps. No more dried out bits. And you can add any sauce you like.

If you're serving it plain and it seems a little sloppy, adding some grated parmesan or pecorino cheese will quickly solve that problem for you, as well as injecting some welcome flavor.

Boiled Beef

The expression 'boiled beef' probably arises from the fact that it's easier to say than 'simmered beef' - which is what it really is.

Salted, pickled and corned beef (or pork) amount to the same thing and are cooked by immersing in a bouillon (posh name for stock) which is kept just below boiling point. Cooking time varies with the size of the piece but it's going to take at least an hour and more likely two or more.

The great thing is that it's pretty hard to overcook it, so making it the center of your main dish saves hugely on stress. It's also delicious. You can serve it to anyone with confidence.

Nobody that I know pickles their own meat these days. Buy it from your butcher or supermarket, allowing around six ounces of meat per person.

Trim the fat off. Unlike roasting you don't need any fat to keep the meat moist. Put it in a pot only slightly larger than the joint, cover with water (no salt) and bring to the boil.

Then drain the meat and discard the water. Add fresh, some salt, a peeled onion into which you've stuck a couple of cloves, three or four carrots and a tablespoon of vinegar.

Bring this mix to the boil and then reduce the heat to a simmer. Give it about 20 minutes to the pound and serve it with your favorite mash and greens.

Oh yes, and don't forget to reduce the liquor you cooked it in to make a moistener for the meat.

Easy caramel

If you boil condensed milk, in its tin, for around 45-50 minutes, it will turn to caramel which you can then use as a base for desserts. Just stick the tin in boiling water and wait. Of course you may have to add extra water from time to time to prevent drying out.

To easily get the caramel out after allowing it to cool down, open the tin at both ends and push it through with a wooden spoon or similar kitchen item.

Here's a simple method of using it:

Crush some cookies into crumbs, either by putting them between sheets of cling-film and beating the living daylights out of them with a rolling pin, or in a food processor.

Mix the crumbs with melted butter and press this mix into the base of a spring-form cake tin.

then chill it in the fridge for around an hour.

Spread your caramel on top of the cookie base (warming it slightly will make this easier); pile sliced fruit on top of that (banana is perfect); then pile on whipped cream to which you have added some vanilla essence and a little fine sugar. Grate a little dark chocolate onto the finished tart.

Chill, remove the spring form case and serve from the base. Now is that easy or what? And you can make it the day before if you want.

Do you need a recipe for that? Of course you don't. The way your version turns out is just the way it should be - and it will taste every bit as good as mine, if not better.


I've included this as a cooking method because it's a useful way for the savvy cook to remove excess fat from various meats in order to get a crisp finish when barbecuing or grilling.

The sort of things I'm talking about are spare ribs, chicken wings, and even duck prior to roasting.

All you do is plunge whatever you're cooking into boiling water (no salt needed) and leave it there to partially cook. You'll see the fat floating to the surface as scum, which needs to be skimmed off.

If you are going to parboil you need to do it in good time, because you want the surface of the meat to dry out before you go on to the next step, which will be a marinade (to put back lost flavor) followed by your barbecue, the broiler or an oven.

The amount of time the meat needs to spend in the water depends on the thickness of the fat, but think in terms of around 15 minutes for most things.

Will nutrients be lost?

Yes, there's no escaping that, but the trade-off is that you will have seriously reduced the fat content as well, which will in turn have reduced your cholesterol intake.

For most people, the second part far outweighs the first and of course the protein content will be more digestible - so you even get an added bonus.

Copyright © Tingira Publishing 2004 All Rights Reserved

Michael Sheridan is an acknowledged authority and published writer on cooking matters. His website at contains a wealth of information, hints, tips and recipes for busy home cooks.

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The 7 Most Common Mistakes When Cooking Pasta

According to a recent pasta survey taken among Italian chefs and experts - these are the 7 most common mistakes most people make when cooking pasta...

1. Not using a large enough cooking pot

This is probably the most common "pasta cooking" mistake. The very minimum that the experts recommend is four quarts of water for one pound of pasta. But Italian chefs and pasta experts use more than that; between five and six quarts of water for each pound of pasta. This gets the very best results.

Why is all that water necessary? Because pasta needs enough space to move around in order to cook properly. Not using enough water causes the pasta to stick to the side of the pan, which makes it thick, sticky and unpleasant. When you use enough water you will definitely notice the difference in the taste and texture.

2. Adding oil to the cooking pot

It is hard to determine just where this idea came from originally but 44 per cent of Americans say they add olive or other oil to the cooking water. I suspect the idea is that the oil will stop the pasta from sticking together. But what it actually does is make the pasta too slick for any sauce to stay on it properly. If you have used enough water and remember to stir your pasta regularly as it is cooking, it will not stick together. Therefore - no need to add oil.

3. Not adding salt to the water

Because we are constantly warned about the perils of salt in our diet, many cooks will add only a tiny pinch of salt or none at all, to the cooking water. This is a mistake. Pasta needs plenty of salt because salt "roughs up" the surface and keeps it from becoming slimy. Add about a teaspoon of salt per each gallon of water. This seems like a lot but every good Italian chef cooks it this way and it really does make a difference. And here's the good news: The pasta does not absorb salt in the same way that vegetables or potatoes do, so you will not be eating all the salt that you use in the cooking water.

The exception to the 'add plenty of salt' rule is when cooking fresh pasta, which does not need salted water. The fact that it's fresh negates the need for salt because fresh pasta has a different surface than dried pasta.

4. Adding the pasta to the water before the water has boiled

Pasta must be cooked in boiling water from the start. Add the pasta to the pot when the water has come to a full rolling boil. It will stop boiling when you add the pasta so make sure you get the water boiling again as quickly as possible. To add pasta to cold water and then heat up the water is a sure guarantee pasta will not cook properly.

5. Not stirring the pasta once it is cooking

Pasta needs to be stirred while it is cooking. This stops it sticking together (especially spaghetti and linguine). When pasta doesn't stick together it all cooks consistently.

6. Overcooking the pasta

Different people will cook the same pasta for as much as five minutes difference and each will claim they have cooked their pasta perfectly. But, while accepting that taste is a subjective thing, there are people who undercook their pasta and people who overcook their pasta. Undercooking is less common because undercooked pasta is crunchy and obviously difficult to chew. Overcooked pasta (much more common) is limp, loses its shape easily, and won't hold a sauce well. Unfortunately, overcooked pasta is not salvageable so you'll have to throw it away and start again.

The key to cooking pasta well is to keep testing it as you cook it. There will be a guide cooking time on the packet so about a minute before that time is up, start testing the pasta. It is ready when it is slightly firm to the bite - a state the Italians call "al dente" (firm but not crunchy). At the al dente stage, turn off the heat and drain the pasta in a colander. Shake the pasta to get rid of all excess water (be especially careful to do this if they are pasta shapes which catch pockets of hot water) and serve immediately. The pasta continues to cook while it's draining it in the colander, so when you are testing, remember that what you eat will be cooked for a minute or two longer than what you're testing in the pan.

7. Rinsing the pasta after cooking

51 per cent of Americans say they rinse their pasta immediately after cooking. This ruins good pasta. When pasta reaches the al dente stage it means thereare just the right amount of starches on the surface to absorb the sauce you will serve with it, which is where pasta gets its entire flavor. If you rinse, you take away these important starches.

There are two exceptions. First - if you're cooking for a pasta salad, the pasta does need to be rinsed because you don't want the pasta to be sticky if it's being used in a salad. After rinsing with boiling water then rinse again with cold water to stop the cooking process.

The second exception is if you have cooked your pasta in too small a pan and the water is cloudy and starchy. In that case it may be worth rinsing the pasta with boiling water to remove these starches.

By stepping out of your comfortable cooking routine and implementing these tips, you will be cooking pasta correctly. The difference is substantial. I promise you that your pasta will be cooked to perfection and will taste delicious with your favorite sauce.

Happy cooking!

Patti Mays is an expert cook who's all about delicious, simple, affordable foods. Her down-to-earth website features tried & true recipes that are easy to make; helpful tools & gadgets, (most of which can be ordered on the site) great ideas, and tips. She has developed a large following because of her unpretentious style and humorous approach to life. Patti and her husband live in Boise, Idaho.


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Learn to Prepare Food With Cooking Games for Girls Online

Probably the most popular pastime video game of girls could be the cooking game. All of us remember the way we enjoyed having fun with plastic pots and stoves with our neighbor buddies. Now, you could have more enjoyable and more fascinating quality recipes to cook and bake in these amazing cooking games for girls on the internet.

Cooking games can educate girls about cooking fundamentals and provide them over-all knowledge of the food-service industry. Several web sites and games provide similar cooking games, but just a few are really enjoyable or helpful. Many of these games assist girls and when they enter the kitchen, they will have some idea of what they're doing, and be prepared to cook hands-on.

With the rise of cooking video gaming and useful mobile games for cooking that work as self guided cooking food classes, the cooking games for girls are getting popular. When you say cooking games for girls as well as for boys it's not only the plastic Fisher Price games that bring the make believe world to life.

Online cooking games are gradually becoming a trend among children and also the kids at heart. When compared with having fun with toy pots, pans and stoves, these types of games provide better and much more adventurous choices for you. If you possess the desire for cooking, you'd definitely get pleasure from these kinds of games.

There are also competitive cooking games in which you may contest with other players. You can be an expert chef in Chef Gordon Ramsey's Hell Kitchen. You can display your skills as a chef in a time pressured kitchen as though in game shows.

In a few games, you're provided free credits to begin your restaurant, bakeshop, pizza house, bar or fast-food restaurant. Imagine yourself as a pastry chef and bake and make your pastry masterpiece. You can make your dream wedding cake or design your own fantasy birthday cake. If you're a pizza lover, try baking your own and test out different toppings. You can have fun with pepperoni, parmesan cheese, sausage, vegetables and fruits.

Girls cooking video games are generally available in pink, but just lately you will notice blue to be a popular color of these toys, observing the transfer of gender role organization. Cooking food may have you delivering mouth-watering food to your family table very quickly. So even though cooking games for girls and boys deliver hours of stimulating play for them these video gaming could be just as enjoyable for grownups.

If your little ones are curious about these games, encourage them to take cooking food classes for kids. The local community center usually may have cooking courses that you could take along with your children. Otherwise make them take part in baking activities. Even if you're not a great cook your kids will enjoy the quality time you give them.

Be ready and do not get mad if you see a mess made. Make cleanup just as enjoyable as the actual cooking. It is very important to raise your children with an appreciation for baking and cooking as family members lose the family dinner and restaurants tend to be the default over home cooking.

Cooking games or cooking games for girls online,introduce the girls into cooking fundamentals methods and provide them over-all knowledge of the food-service industry.

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Gourmets Get Ready for Induction Cooking

Get ready, a cooking revolution is at the kitchen door. What the cell phone did for the telecommunication industry, induction cooking is now doing for the food industry. While the technology has been around for decades, in recent years it has been greatly improved upon, already taking hold in Europe and Japan. There can be no doubt that magnetic induction promises to be the most attractive cooking option on the market. In this article we will discuss how induction cooking works, how it differs from electric and gas stovetops, and explain the advantages and disadvantages of the new technology.

Up until now, there have been two basic methods of cooking food. Both methods follow the same basic principles. In the chemical method, a combustible material-such as wood, coal, or gas-is burned to generate heat; while the electrical method accomplishes the same thing by running a current through a coil, or more recently, a halogen-filled bulb. (A third, oven-only option for generating heat needed for cooking is microwaving, which generates the heat within the food itself.) Magnetic induction is a completely different technology.

A crash course in basic physics explains how it works. When a conductor is placed in the presence of a changing magnetic field, electricity is produced in the conductor. The result is an electromagnet. In induction cooking, an electromagnet is placed under the cooking surface. When turned on, an alternating current runs through the electromagnet, producing a magnetic field. A large metal object on the surface will pick up the current and generate heat. Voila! Now we're cooking!

The biggest difference between induction cooking and its counterparts is where the heat is generated. Gas and electric stovetops produce heat on a burner. The heat is then transferred, more or less efficiently, to a cooking vessel and its contents. In contrast, induction cook tops generate heat in the vessel itself, while the burner stays cool. Since there is no transfer of heat from burner to pan, there is virtually no wasted heat. Studies have shown that induction cooking may be up to 90% energy efficient, compared to electric and gas cooking, which are 47% and 40% energy efficient respectively. In addition to efficiency, induction cooking is the superior choice when it comes to safety issues. Because the cooking surface stays cool (i.e. room temperature) there are no more burned hands or hot pads and there is no open flame sending potentially dangerous fumes into the air. Best of all, with the heat focused in the right place, the kitchen--and the chef--stays cool and comfortable.

But the real luxury of induction cooking-the things that sets it apart as the Porsche of cook tops-is the precision and control it gives the chef. By varying the strength of the magnetic field, the heat generated in the pot responds instantly. This means water boils in half the amount of time it takes electric and gas stoves. Low temperatures work as well as high ones-meaning you can toss out your double boiler! One experiment showed chocolate chips melting at such a low temperature they held their shape until spread with a spoon. Induction warmers are great for caterers as well, since they hold low temperatures and keep food warm better than any of the alternatives.

Unfortunately there are a couple big disadvantages to induction stoves. For the pan to conduct energy it must be magnetic-that is, it must contain iron. Therefore, cast-iron and steel pots and pans are necessary. Test your cookware by passing a magnet across the pan. If the magnet sticks, the pan will work. Some cookware, made with layers of aluminum and copper for distribution, will still work beautifully on an induction cook top, as long as the surface of the pan is steel.

The second disadvantage is unavailability. For some reason, induction cooking has been slower to take off in America than it has across the Atlantic. Therefore, it's still hard to find, and models are more expensive. (Prices start well above a thousand dollars.) However, as the market increases, look for prices to steadily fall. If you can't wait, there are several websites where you can order an induction cook top and have it delivered to your home. Installation is relatively easy.

After using an induction cook top, it's easy to imagine the day when we will look back on electric or gas ranges with the same astonishment and nostalgia as we do grandma's old wood stove.

Emma Snow is a gourmet and freelance writer. Writing for Gourmet Living and BBQ Shop .

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Save Your Wallet and Your Waistline With Freezer Cooking

Have you heard of freezer cooking? It's a great way to save time and money while eating healthier meals at home!

Freezer cooking just means cooking meals ahead of time and freezing them so it's easy to defrost, warm and serve later. Variations can include once a month cooking, batch cooking, or cooking parts of meals.

Some cooks create a weekly or monthly plan, then cook meals all in one day and freeze them. Others cook one large batch of a meal, like chili, then divide it into family portions or single servings and freeze it. You can also cook certain ingredients ahead of time and freeze them-such as meats cooked and frozen in small portions to be added into chili, stew, or casseroles later.

Save Time: By cooking in batches you can save time. If you're already cooking a casserole, it only takes a few extra minutes to double the recipe, cook a second one and freeze it for later.

Save Money: Buying in bulk is usually cheaper than smaller sized portions. When you cook in batches you can easily purchase bulk sizes without worrying that they'll go to waste. You'll also save money when you've got meals ready to eat and don't end up calling for a pizza or other food delivery.

Save Your Waistline: Once you've got a stash of healthy meals in the freezer ready to defrost and eat you'll find the temptation to grab "fast food" or eat junk is easier to avoid.

Freezer cooking is a great strategy if you have special dietary needs, too. I cook gluten-free waffles, pancakes, soups, pizza and breads and freeze so that meal time is easier. By planning ahead and cooking in batches I'm able to save money over the price of prepared specialty foods and know that we've always got "safe" meals easily accessible.

Some meals work better than others for freezing so it's a good idea to take some time to explore websites about freezer cooking and find reliable recipes and tips.

If you're new to the idea of freezer cooking, these tips helped me get started:

Prepare by having freezer safe storage containers ready before you begin cooking.
Start small by cooking double on your family's favorite dish and freezing one for a future meal.
Try cooking ahead parts of meals. Cook up chicken or hamburger in bulk then freeze it in meal-sized portions for easy use later.
Keep track of the date you freeze each meal either with a list on the side of your freezer or by labeling each meal as you freeze it - that way you can use it within a safe time frame.
Don't feel like you have to jump all in and cook a month's worth of meals the first time you try freezer cooking. But do use the once a month cooking websites and guides for great freezer meal ideas and helpful hints to make your freezer cooking easier.

Give it a try, and discover how much easier freezer cooking makes meal time!

Would you like a free email course about meal planning, crock pot cooking, or freezer cooking? Visit now and let me send you helpful tips and ideas that will make it easier for you to balance homemaking, homeschooling, and working from home.

Michelle Shaeffer has been a work at home mom for more than 10 years and loves to share the tips and strategies she's learned to help other small business owners and entrepreneurs.

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The Art of Healthy Cooking - The Principles of Scientific Cookery

We lay so much emphasis on the taste factor in cooking that we often forget that the key to healthy eating lies in not just the food elements that are chosen, but also the way in which these elements are cooked. The process of cooking changes almost all the elements of food except for fat, and therefore, it is essential that we ensure proper and scientific cooking if we want to retain all the goodness of these elements.

If you want to know how to cook healthy recipes, then you also need to know the right manner in which the cooking process should be undertaken.

Any of the healthy recipes cooked without adequate preparation is not likely to give the right benefit that you are seeking from your food. While it is sometimes necessary to indulge in the sensory aspects of cooking, you also need to make sure that you learn how to cook to retain all the goodness in the food.

The dictionary meaning of cooking states that cooking is the process of preparing food for consumption with the application of heat, but this heat can be applied to the food in various ways, and so, we have the various forms of cooking that include roasting, baking, broiling, boiling, simmering, stewing, steaming and frying:

- Roasting - Roasting is a process in which you allow the food to cook in its own juices, and this is done on an open fire most of the time. Also known as grilling, this process uses radiant heat to allow the food to be cooked. In most cases when the food is large or compact, the process of roasting is recommended.

The radiation heat works on the surface of the food and travels inwards to ensure that the food is cooked properly. Since the radiation heat sears the surface of the food, the juices in the food are not allowed to escape and the inside of the large food is cooked in its own juices. It is recommended that the food that is being roasted be turned to ensure even heating.

- Baking - This is a process of cooking in which the food is cooked by the dry heat in an oven that is almost always closed. This is a style of cooking that is often used for food that contains a fair amount of moisture so as to ensure that the food does not dry up or burn in the closed environment. This is because the dry and hot air in the oven tends to take up the moisture in the food. If the food that is put in the oven does not contain adequate moisture, it is likely to get too dry or burnt in the process.

- Boiling - As a well-known process of cooking, boiling requires a fair amount of boiling water for the food to be cooked. As the water boils, it gives out minute bubbles of air, and these tend to form at the base of the vessel as the water increases in temperature. As the bubbles of hot air continue to rise, the water becomes a hub of mechanical energy and soon enough, the water begins to show rapid activity.

Boiling something hurriedly does not ensure that the food will get cooked any faster; it only ensures the wear and tear of the food particles that are in the water. Hurried steaming actually causes a lot of wastage of fuel and also makes food less palatable. In most cases, the liquid used for boiling is water, but there are also some healthy recipes that use milk as the liquid used for boiling. Boiling starchy foods such as macaroni, rice, farina, etc. in water or even milk is recommended since it makes the overall dish more nutritious and fitter for healthy eating.

When using milk for boiling, it should be remembered that milk is denser and creates less steam. However, not many know that it also boils faster than water.

- Stewing - The process of stewing is another process that is commonly used in healthy recipes. It is a process in which food is cooked in a liquid that is kept just below the boiling point. This process is often confused with simmering, which indicates cooking the food at boiling point.

To ensure that the stewing is taking place in a proper manner, you can use a double boiler in which the liquid in the outside vessel boils. This ensures that the liquid in the inner vessel is just below the boiling point since the inner vessel is always a few degrees cooler than the outer one.

- Steaming - Steaming is the form of healthy cooking that uses the heat of the steam to prepare food. There are various ways in which people use steam to cook food. The most common style is to put food in a vessel that has holes and to place this vessel on a pot of boiling water.

Foods that have high water content are best suited for steaming. Sometimes, the vessel that contains food can be put inside another vessel that contains boiling water too. This apparatus is called the double boiler.

- Frying - This is not really a healthy process of cooking food, since it involves cooking what you want to eat in hot fat. Once fat is cooked, it becomes less easy to digest, and therefore, people who are looking at healthy eating should not opt for this method. The process of frying actually requires you to heat up large quantities of fat in a vessel and bring it to a high temperature.

The food is then dropped in the hot oil and allowed to remain in it till it is cooked. Most people drain the excess fat from the outer part of the food, but a large amount of fat is always absorbed in the food while it is being cooked.

Each of these cooking processes, except for frying, allow for healthy recipes and healthy eating if done properly.

If you'd like more information on weight loss for women, home exercises and other useful fitness tips, Go to

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Microwave Cooking Tips - Cooking Microwave Meat

As a busy individual, the least that you would focus your spare time to is cooking your meal. Going through drive-through fast foods will not usually equal the home-made cooking that you can get. If only you have sufficient time to attend to the busy preparations in cooking. As you know, cooking meat can be a really taxing work especially if you lack adequate time for this thing. So what is the microwave doing? Don't just let your microwave oven sulk in one corner of your kitchen. Make use of it and cook your meat!

Cooking meat in the microwave oven? This can be a big NO for most people. They will oppose to this idea, so to speak. Their reason will usually be the same as their usual claims that the chicken meat can eventually end up feeling like a rubber and that the ground beef will not be entirely cooked. But these things can be a myth after all! Why so? Because if only you know of the microwave cooking tips for meats, you will not say the same thing. The secret i know the right types of cooking utensils to be utilized!

There are clamors against the use of plastic materials in cooking food inside the microwave. Yes, there are those unsafe plastic utensils which may be harmful for the meat that you cook. It is because some of the plastic containers include certain chemicals in their overall make-up which get triggered due to a high rate of heat in the surroundings. In turn, these chemicals will get mixed up with the food inside the microwave oven. Again, as emphasized earlier, one of the effective microwave cooking tips for meat is to employ only the proper utensil. There are basically containers which are obviously designed for microwave cooking.

One safe microwave cooking utensil to be used is the Tupperware. If you are sure that the container which you are about to employ is fit for microwave use, then you can be guaranteed that no sorts of chemicals can get activated although there is too much heat inside the microwave oven. One utensil again, the Oval Cooker, is particularly styled in a way that the meat moisture is kept so that the meat does not end up to be rubbery and dry.

When you are cooking beef remember to cook each pound beef for about 6 minutes, and let the meat wait a few minutes before you take it out. When cooking a whole chicken the cooker must be filled in with half cup of water in the bottom part, and like the beef it take about 6 minutes for each pound. This time can be different in some microwaves depending their power.

As opposed to the prevailing opinion that it's not possible to cook food in microwaves, you find out that you can, but there is a few cooking ways & instruments that can help you achieve this goal, try it first with small amounts of meat and after a few times you will be able to cook the meat exactly in the way you like it. From this point it will be easy for you to make your meal using this tip and impress all you friend and family.

Microwave Meat Cooking and Meats Microwave Cooking advice and Tips can be found at:

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What Makes a Good Cook?

Trained chefs are supposed to be good cooks, but I have had lousy meals at famous restaurants. I have also had five-star meals in friends' homes. One friend served pork tenderloin, sourdough bread, Napa cabbage slaw, and chocolate souffle. Her simple meal was a gourmet meal in every sense of the word.

In the dictionary the word cook is defined as "to prepare food by the action of heat." I think there is more to cooking than that. What makes a good cook?

A good cook understands recipes. Before the cook starts to prepare a recipe he or she reads it all the way through. The cook understands abbreviations, cooking terms, and follows the recipe step-by-step. After the cook is familiar with the recipe he or she may change it to suit personal tastes.

A good cook can use equipment. The cook can use a mixer, food processor, blender, immersion blender, grill pan, and other appliances. This cook is also familiar with kitchen tools like a whisk, mellon-baller, and microplane.

A good cook masters basic techniques. The cook knows how to saute, poach, braise, steam, grill, shallow-fry, stir-fry, and microwave food. In addition, the cook knows how to make a white sauce, thicken sauces with flour and cornstarch, beat egg whites, and temper eggs.

A good cook relies on fresh ingredients. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are the starting point for meals. The cook buys fresh fish and flavorful cuts of meat.

A good cook sharpens knives. As the old adage says, a dull knife is a dangerous knife. For this reason and cutting ease, a good cook cares for knives properly, keeps them sharp, and stores them safely.

A good cook practices food safety. He or she washes hands thoroughly before touching food and during preparation. Separate cutting boards are used for meat and chicken and washed well after use.

Cold food is kept really cold and hot food is refrigerated promptly after a meal.

A good cook plans interesting menus. Some cooks prepare recipes from one culture, while others prepare recipes from many. Each part of the meal fits together like a fascinating puzzle.

A good cook makes simple things well. Only a good cook can make rich coffee, fabulous soup, and fluffy scrambled eggs. Though the cook is able to prepare complex recipes, he or she excels at the simple ones.

A good cook cleans up the kitchen. My mother told me this when I was a teenager and I have never forgotten it. She was an excellent cook and I learned a lot from her. She taught me to take good care of pots, pans, and dishes.

A good cook always adds love. You cannot rush when you are adding love, you must pay attention to what you are doing, and take the time to do it. Whether it is the first ingredient or last, a cook's love is what makes food so delicious.

Copyright 2007 by Harriet Hodgson
Harriet Hodgson has been a freelance nonfiction writer for 28 years. She is a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists and the Association for Death Education and Counseling. Her 24th book, "Smiling Through Your Tears: Anticipating Grief," written with Lois Krahn, MD, is available from A five-star review of the book is posted on Amazon. You will find additional reviews on the American Hospice Foundation Web site ("School Corner" heading) and the Health Ministries Association Web site.

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Cooking For Beginners, Or How You Can Improve Your Cooking

You should not take on a turkey dinner for 10 when you first learn to cook. You will quit before the first course starts to cook. I am a little overwhelmed when I undertake the Thanksgiving turkey dinner, and I spent some time in cooking school. So do not make a thanksgiving dinner your first cooking assignment.

There are many people around you that can help you learn to cook. One or both of your parents can help you to cook. Even though one person primarily does most of the cooking, do not be afraid to ask the other person for some help. Even though my mother did most of the cooking in our family, my father was no slouch when it came to cooking.

There are videos that you can purchase, or you can even sign them out at the library. YouTube has many great videos that you can watch to learn how to make some dishes. I watched as many YouTube videos when I was making jerky in my smoker. I learned quite a bit about making jerky.

There are so many cooking sites on the internet, where people are constantly asking for advice. When I am looking for a particular recipe, I will always comb the comments section to see if people are having a hard time with the recipe.

The Food Network is of course one of the best places to learn how to cook, you can find simple dishes that you can cook or even rather elaborate dishes that you can cook, especially after your cooking improves. You will find that there are cooks that you like and then there are some that you do not have the time of day for. I personally enjoyed Rachael Ray's cooking when she was on the Food Network. I am usually hard pressed for time when it comes to cooking, and her cooking was perfect for me.

Of course, there is the old fashion cook book. These are still one of the best resources available, and there are so many of them out there. You can purchase them new, used, at garage sales, off of eBay, etc. There are just so many of them available, for so many different types of cooking.

If you want to learn how to cook, there are so many resources available for you to learn how to cook. But first of all start small and simple. Maybe in a year or two you will be ready to cook that turkey dinner.

Richard McDuff has been selling on the internet for 7 years. He has a website at #1 Meals on a Budget that deals with cooking.

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Get the Confidence to Stop Guessing and Take the Mystery Out of Cooking

My goal is to help make cooking easy for you. While understanding how to cook with a cooking method rather than following a recipe, it's also important that you get cooking tips that help rather than confuse. One of the reasons cooking can be difficult or even a little intimidating is the result of guessing.

1. Guessing while cooking is bad. Let me give you an example. In my early days of cooking for a living, I was working with a chef that told me, "Todd, you can't put too much butter in the hollandaise." The problem is, I wasn't sure if I was in trouble for putting too much butter in the hollandaise sauce or if I needed to load up the butter. In the end, I had no idea if I was going to be able to make the sauce to his liking.

Guessing and not knowing if you'll be success is stressful! Stress can increase your fear of cooking which does not help to make cooking easy and it should be.

Are you ever surprised by the results of your cooking?
Does your meal with come out terribly wrong?
Perhaps, once in a while, the meal that you've cooked comes out unexpectedly great?

These are the results of guessing. Maybe you're guessing because:

You're not sure how your meal is going to be received.
You lack experience or confidence with the presentation of your food.
You feel such a responsibility when you cook that you feel you may let people down when you cook.

So, while you're cooking, you're constantly second guessing yourself. You may be guessing because you are cooking ingredients that you haven't worked with before. What in the world does...

A cooked brussel sprouts look like?
Swordfish get cooked completely?
A person do with eggplant?

It's enough to make a person terrified!

2. Guessing leads to inconsistency and surprise results.

Have you ever been cooking rice and while it's boiling, you think it needs more rice? Were you surprised when the rice was done and some of the rice was crunchy?
What about turning an item over and over again while you're sauteing?
Are you gashing your steaks or burgers to test to see if it's done?

3. Guessing can't be duplicated.

If you've cooked a great meal, do you know how you did it? What if you tried to duplicate it and it wasn't as good the next time? Now, you have even less confidence and begin guessing even more!

I want to help you stop guessing at your cooking and gain the confidence to be able to depend on great results each time. I want to make cooking easy for you and give you tips that will make your cooking great every time your cook.

I want you to start with this cooking tip: In your cooking tonight, try to take notice of the things that you guess at, and start considering ways to quantify your cooking in the future.

Chef Todd Mohr is a classically trained chef, entrepreneur, cooking educator and founder of WebCookingClasses. You CAN learn to cook without written recipes by taking his FREE cooking class that will change the way you think about cooking forever!

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Monday, July 18, 2011

Cooking Ideas That Will Save You Time And Money

The saying, "time is money" certainly applies in the business world, but it applies in the kitchen, too. Saving time and money in the kitchen really helps with family time and the family budget. So it works in our favor when we come up with cooking ideas that save time and money in the kitchen. There are a lot of kitchen shortcuts out there, but no matter which way you cut the roast, cooking is still cooking. So what are some cooking ideas that will save you time and money?

Easy cooking is a great place to start. We all like to think of ourselves as good cooks, but not everything has to be complicated. It's hard to save time and money if you aren't organized. So get organized by focusing on what to cook and when to cook. Write your cooking ideas down and put them in your own personal cooking book. Along with planning what to cook, you should plan when to cook. Most people assume they have to cook dinner between the hours of 4 pm and 7 pm. As the norm this is great, but make sure you are using easy recipes for dinner.

Here is another one we found works in our house. Cook dinner at breakfast. No, most would not classify this as a normal habit. Think of it this way. By cooking your dinner in the morning, you will not have the evening rush of "what to cook" which regularly translates into "where can I order out" because you don't have the time or energy to make a home cooked meal. Prepare your dinner meal while you are fixing breakfast, and then put it in the refrigerator. When you get home, you will only have to reheat and a home cooked meal is on the table in a jiffy. This is especially good when you are cooking for kids.

Here is a another one from the cooking book. Dig out the crock pot. We do this a lot on Sundays. There are healthy and great tasting dishes that you can make in a crock pot. In the morning, all your ingredients get added to the pot. By dinner, it's ready to serve. How much prep time do you have when you get home? Just long enough to set the table. Talk about easy cooking! To us, this is as close as it comes to having someone cook your dinner for you. Shop around. There are some great crock pot recipes available that will tantalize your taste bud.

Along with those quick and easy recipes, try this. Plan a kitchen table picnic. What does that mean? It means you use paper plates and plastic ware. Does that beat washing the dishes or what?! Even the kids can get involved with throwing out the plates when they are done eating. I f you do this when you do crock pot cooking, then you have only one dish to wash, the crock pot!

This one needs prep time, but offers you a real break on a day to day basis. We do this about five or six times a year. We cook for a whole month a one time. Everything goes in the freezer. When we are done, there are 30 dinners in the freezer. It takes two days to get it all done, but for a month, dinner is on the table about 20 minutes after we get home. If a month seems overwhelming, start with doing meals for a week or two. Every night then has easy recipes for dinner!

Save time. Save money. It's a great way to run a kitchen. The more easy cooking and cost effective cooking you can do, the better off your kitchen is!

Chris & Michelle Grimbilas both have backgrounds in teaching and education. Cooking is one of the things they both enjoy. They have five children who have shared the kitchen with them over the years. You can get more great easy cooking ideas at their Creative Cookery website. You'll find more cooking ideas,real resources that will help you in the kitchen, and best of all FREE GIFTS! Get software that shows you how to cook almost anything! Get free dessert recipes! Claim your gifts today at the Creative Cookery!

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Solar Cooking

Most people to some extent are entrepreneurial by nature. In fact I have yet to meet the person who does not either enjoy making money or at least saving money. Solar cooking not only achieves this naturally, but by the very nature of cooking with the sun perpetuates the concept of cooking without using electricity, and therein reinforcing the embedded opportunity cost saving.

There is an unavoidable initial cost of either purchasing a commercial solar cooker or purchasing the raw materials to construct your own solar cooker, but that is a once off cost that is easily recouped assuming you cook a reasonable proportion of your meals in a solar oven. A fun approach to this would be to cook the majority of your weekend meals in the solar oven when you are not under routine weekday time pressures associated with work and domestic time deadlines.

Whilst one will never become a millionaire in this fashion, it is still nonetheless exciting to realize that cooking with sun actually puts money back into your pocket and comes with the added bonus of an absolutely nil carbon footprint.

Solar cooking over the weekend using solar energy exclusively can also become a full family activity with even children getting involved, provided of course that there is appropriate supervision.

Budding solar chefs can sometimes underestimate the admittedly limited, but real inherent dangers associated with solar cooking. A solar oven left standing in full sunshine can develop extremely high internal temperatures and inexperienced users can inadvertently burn themselves by accidentally touching the internal reflective material of the cooker.

Similarly a parabolic reflector left unattended and uncovered in full sunshine can concentrate and reflect sunshine on to any form of wooden structure in close proximity to the reflector, thereby causing a fire.

If the ultimate business model is to have nil fixed costs and an entirely variable cost structure, than solar cooking and solar ovens have to be an excellent example, albeit on a small, domestic scale.

After all to cook for free with no associated electricity cost has to be the ultimate form of cheap solar and a no-brainer. Whist you admittedly do not have the same level of control and predictability that you do with a conventional oven or stove, you do have numerous benefits with solar cooking with a solar oven which include, but are not limited to the following:

Economical: No electricity is required first-and-for most. There is a once-off, small cost in acquiring the solar cooker and thereafter no overhead cost implications.

Skill: Most solar cookers are easy to use and do not require an advanced level of technical skill. A basic education on how to use the solar cooker is necessary and thereafter the user can use the cooker day in and day out on a regular basis.

Slow-cooking concept: The process dynamic is slow cooking. The food cooks properly over an extended time and due to the low thermal flux dynamic food does not burn. Despite the longer cooking times in comparison to conventional cooking, solar cooked foods retain and preserve the vitamin and nutrient content of the food as well as, or even better than foods cooked by conventional methods.

Wikipedia describes the advantages of slow cooking as being: " Cheaper cuts of meat with connective tissue and lean muscle fibre are suitable for stewing, and tastier than stews using expensive cuts, as long slow cooking will soften the connective tissue without toughening the muscle. Slow cooking leaves the gelatinised tissue in the meat, so that it may be advantageous to start with a richer liquid. The low temperature of slow-cooking makes it impossible to burn food even if cooked too long..."

No fuel requirement: The raw material is sunshine which is abundant and free (although not necessarily always available). As a consequence there is no fuel requirement which reduces and potentially eliminates deforestation and related health disadvantages such as smoke-pollution.

No need to walk long distances to find and retrieve fuel, for example wood. It has been recently extrapolated that one solar cooker saves approximately the equivalent of 2 tons of trees per annum.

In terms of the macro environment greater reliance on sunshine and reduced reliance on burning fuel translates into a reduced greenhouse effect, reduced reliance on fossil fuels, an improved contribution to reducing global warming and a lower carbon footprint loading.

A further specific benefit of solar cooking is the reduction of black carbon emissions. Black carbon is a consequence of incomplete combustion of fossil fuels and biofuels and is particularly prevalent in Africa as a consequence of open fires. Black carbon emissions are postulated to be disproportionately detrimental to the greenhouse effect and particularly severe on human health.

Water sterilization and pasteurization: Water can be heated and pasteurized using a solar oven thereby sharply reducing the risk and occurrence of water-borne diseases such as cholera, enteritis and diarrhoea. In areas where communities live in close proximity to water the use of a solar still, be it a domestic model or a commercial model, can generate pure, uncontaminated water on a daily basis.

Portability: Certain of the makes of solar cookers, for example the box and panel solar cookers, are light weight and can be easily folded up into a compact unit and transported. In many instances the solar cookers weigh less than 11lbs (5 kg).

Longevity: Most commercial solar cookers are assembled and constructed from robust materials which if properly cleaned and maintained should last for an extended period of time. An additional benefit is that most cookers do not have a multiplicity of moving parts or interlinking components, hence minimal maintenance requirements.

About The Author

Lee Elliott is an Author on Solar Cooking and related solar cooking activities. As an Author on the subject, he is at the forefront to provide solutions to information related to solar cooking and using solar cookers.

For more articles on Solar Cooking or to get your FREE Mini Course on Solar Cooking go to

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